Entries by malike


Are Coconuts, Eggs, Sea water, Salt water or tree branches used to find underground water?

Discovering underground water sources is a critical task, and relying on scientifically validated geophysical methods is recommended for accurate and reliable results. Using objects like coconuts or divining rods, associated with superstitious practices, lack scientific evidence and are not considered reliable. Instead, methods like electrical resistivity surveys, ground-penetrating radar, or seismic methods are used to assess the presence and characteristics of water-bearing formations. Traditional methods like divining or dowsing, observation of surface features, and gathering historical information can provide insights but are not scientifically reliable.

Relays vs. Contactors: Understanding the Difference in Electrical Control Devices

Relays and contactors are electrical devices used to control circuits. Relays are for low-power signals, while contactors handle high-power applications. Contactors have larger contacts, heavier-duty coils, and require higher voltage and current. They also have protective enclosures and more auxiliary contacts. In summary, relays are for lower current and voltage, while contactors are heavy-duty for high-power switching.

Capacitor vs. Resistor: Understanding the Differences and Applications

Learn about the main differences between capacitors and resistors in electronic circuits. Understand their functions, symbols, construction, and time response. Discover how farads and ohms measure different properties. Determine when to use a capacitor or a resistor based on specific applications and desired effects in the circuit. Capacitors store and release electrical charge, block DC current, smooth power supplies, create timing circuits, and filter signals. Resistors limit current flow, divide voltage, limit current, and set bias in transistor circuits. Farads measure capacitance, while ohms measure resistance.

What is Amps, Voltage, Wattage and Ohms?

Amps, watts, volts, and ohms are all units used to measure different aspects of electrical energy and properties of electrical circuits. Here is a brief explanation of each: To relate them to an everyday example, it’s like the flow of water (amps) through a hose is determined by the water pressure (voltage), and the rate […]


Importance of chlorine tablets in water treatment

Chlorine tablets are one of the most commonly used water treatment methods because they are effective, reliable, and easy to use. Chlorine tablets are designed to release chlorine when dissolved in water. Chlorine is a powerful disinfectant that is capable of destroying bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms that may be present in water and that […]

Free Tips For Maintenance of Your Borehole

Here are some tips to keep your borehole with a submersible pump and underground chamber safe and clean: Regular Maintenance: It’s important to maintain the submersible pump and underground chamber on a regular basis, such as cleaning the strainer basket and removing any sediment or debris that might have accumulated. You can also do regular […]


Why Timers without Magnetic Contactors can be dangerous

There are several possible disadvantages of building a timer without using a magnetic contactor, including: 1. Risk of Overheating: Building a timer without using a magnetic contactor can put excessive load on the timer’s internal circuits. If the circuit is not designed to handle the load, the timer can overheat and potentially damage its internal […]