Entries by malike

Understanding logging and Borehole Reporting

Learn about geophysical borehole logging techniques, which remotely obtain information on structural features and geological formations. Geophysical logs provide data on lithology, water content, formation density, water inflow zones, and more. Specialized equipment and software are used to measure and interpret the properties of undisturbed rocks and fluids. This specialized field is typically carried out by geophysical contractors or hydrogeological consultants.

What is the Best method for Siting

Techniques for Siting Many techniques are available for siting drilled water wells, and the most commonly used ones are summarized in this section. There is no ideal single technique that fits best to every condition. Instead, the use of different techniques should always be tailored to the local conditions and rock types, and in particular […]

Why people ask for exisiting formation?

Depending on Existing Information Sources to choose a suitable site for borehole drilling! It is essential to ask for the formation of certain geological areas before deciding to drill a borehole. Most contractors have successfully constructed boreholes in places they have never been to by just asking for existing ground formation from experts and other […]

Types of Drilling Equipment

Once a drilling method has been selected, you must decide on the type of drilling equipment or rig that best suits your situation. This section discusses the various types of rig available and their suitability and also provides an overview of drilling rig parts. Choosing a drilling rig: The type of rig chosen may be […]

Methods of Drilling Boreholes

In many developing countries, water is obtained from handpumps installed above shallow (less than 60m deep) boreholes. It can be expensive to drill the borehole, however, if traditional machined drilling rigs are used. This Technical Brief outlines simple, low-cost drilling methods which may be used in various situations. Each can be used and maintained easily. […]


Groundwater Extraction: The Pros and Cons!

A water borehole is not just a hole in the ground. It has to be properly designed, professionally constructed and carefully drilled. Boreholes for extracting water consist essentially of a vertically drilled hole, a strong lining to prevent the collapse of the walls, which includes a means of allowing clean water to enter the borehole […]

Types of geological formation

The Diagram below shows a hypothetical geological situation in which different sources of groundwater may (or may not) be tapped by dug wells or boreholes. A) Perched aquifers: At site A, a shallow dug well may provide a little water from a ‘perched’ aquifer in the weathered zone above relatively impervious (low porosity) mudstones. If […]

What does PE stand for?

Polyethylene Polyethylene (PE) is a thermoplastic material produced from the polymerization of ethylene. PE plastic pipe is manufactured by extrusion in sizes ranging from ½” to 63″. PE is available in rolled coils of various lengths or in straight lengths up to 40 feet. PE pipe is a type of flexible plastic pipe used for […]