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Welcome to Velox Boreholes

We would like to introduce Velox Boreholes to you. We are Ghana’s most reliable consultant in borehole drilling with a unique passion to leverage new technologies to drive business performance. This passion is evident in the company's attention…

Understanding Geophysics: Exploring Electrical Resistivity and Software for Graph Generation

Discover the importance of electrical resistivity in geophysics and its role in mapping subsurface geological formations and water sources. Learn about software programs used to generate geophysical graphs based on resistivity values.

Choosing a Borehole Site: Factors to Consider for Safe and Reliable Groundwater Supply

Choosing the right borehole site is crucial for a safe and reliable groundwater supply. Factors such as catchment, fracture zones, and contamination risks must be considered.

What is Hydrogeology?

Hydrogeology (hydro- meaning water, and -geology meaning the study of the Earth) is the area of geology that deals with the distribution and movement of groundwater in the soil and rocks of the Earth’s crust (commonly in aquifers). The terms…