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Welcome to Velox Boreholes

We would like to introduce Velox Boreholes to you. We are Ghana’s most reliable consultant in borehole drilling with a unique passion to leverage new technologies to drive business performance. This passion is evident in the company's attention…

The quantity and the quality of water can neither be determined nor guaranteed until after drilling of a borehole!

You have done everything you need or are required to do before drilling a borehole. Reconnaissance, Collection and comparing historical information about ground formation for the selected area, Geophysical Survey, etc. But can you actually tell the Exact or Actual Quantity and the Quality of water you will get before drilling?

What's the difference between draw down,recovery rate and pump rate of a Submersible borehole pump

A submersible borehole pump is a type of pump that is submerged in a borehole to pump water to the surface. The drawdown, recovery rate, and pump rate of a submersible borehole pump are important concepts that relate to its efficiency in pumping…

What is borehole yield?

Borehole yield is the volume of water that can be abstracted from a borehole. Description. This is the maximum rate of abstraction from the borehole and can be expressed as l/s, m3/hr, m3/d or m3/a.   The Dos and Don’ts of Testing…