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Welcome to Velox Boreholes

We would like to introduce Velox Boreholes to you. We are Ghana’s most reliable consultant in borehole drilling with a unique passion to leverage new technologies to drive business performance. This passion is evident in the company's attention…

Understanding Geophysics: Exploring Electrical Resistivity and Software for Graph Generation

Discover the importance of electrical resistivity in geophysics and its role in mapping subsurface geological formations and water sources. Learn about software programs used to generate geophysical graphs based on resistivity values.

The quantity and the quality of water can neither be determined nor guaranteed until after drilling of a borehole!

You have done everything you need or are required to do before drilling a borehole. Reconnaissance, Collection and comparing historical information about ground formation for the selected area, Geophysical Survey, etc. But can you actually tell the Exact or Actual Quantity and the Quality of water you will get before drilling?

Are Coconuts, Eggs, Sea water, Salt water or tree branches used to find underground water?

Discovering underground water sources is a critical task, and relying on scientifically validated geophysical methods is recommended for accurate and reliable results. Using objects like coconuts or divining rods, associated with superstitious practices, lack scientific evidence and are not considered reliable. Instead, methods like electrical resistivity surveys, ground-penetrating radar, or seismic methods are used to assess the presence and characteristics of water-bearing formations. Traditional methods like divining or dowsing, observation of surface features, and gathering historical information can provide insights but are not scientifically reliable.