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Welcome to Velox Boreholes

We would like to introduce Velox Boreholes to you. We are Ghana’s most reliable consultant in borehole drilling with a unique passion to leverage new technologies to drive business performance. This passion is evident in the company's attention…

How to Calculate the Time to Fill a Tank with Water from a Borehole at a Stable Flow Rate of 20LPM

Looking for an easy way to measure water flow rate in LPM? A flow meter is the simplest and most accurate method. Find out more here.

Understanding Total Dissolved Solids: How TDS Devices Work and Their Importance

Looking to measure the concentration of dissolved solids in water? Learn about TDS devices, how they work, and their importance for water quality assessment.

The Importance of Water: 10 Reasons why it is Crucial for Life and the Environment

Discover the ten crucial reasons why water is essential for life on Earth. From sustaining life to climate regulation, water plays a vital role in our world.

Why is it said that Water is life?

Water is one of the most precious resources we have on Earth. All the biochemical processes in plants and animals, our surroundings, etc. require water to function. It is required for life on Earth as it is an essential component of all biological…