What is a Borehole?
A Borehole – is a generally term used to refer to a small diameter hole constructed in the ground by drilling; especially for the exploration of water.
What is Anthropogenic?
Anthropogenic means man-made
What is an Aquifer?
Aquifer – an underground layer of water-bearing material from which groundwater can be usefully extracted via a water well.
What are Boulders?
Boulders – In geology, a boulder is a rock fragment with size greater than 256 millimetres (10.1 in) in diameter. Smaller pieces are called cobbles and pebbles. While a boulder may be small enough to move or roll manually, others are extremely massive. In common usage, a boulder is too large for a person to move. Smaller boulders are usually just called rocks (American English) or stones (In British English a rock is larger than a boulder).
What is Cone of depression?
Cone of depression – when water is pumped from a well, the water table (in the case of an unconfined aquifer) or piezometric surface (in the case of a confined aquifer) near the well is lowered. This area is known as a cone of depression. The land area above a cone of depression is called the area of influence.
What is Confined aquifer?
Confined aquifer – has a confining layer of clay or low-permeability rock that restricts the flow of groundwater from one formation to another. A confined aquifer is thus not in direct contact with the atmosphere.
What is Derogation?
Derogation is the effect of pumping a well on the seasonal flow from springs, the drawdown in nearby wells, or the drying of wetlands.
What is Drawdown?
Drawdown refers to water-level lowering caused by groundwater pumping.
What is Hydraulic conductivity?
Hydraulic conductivity (K) is the rate of movement of water through a porous medium (e.g. soil or an aquifer). It is defined as the flow volume per unit cross-sectional area of porous medium. The units are usually m3/m2/day or m/d. Sometimes hydraulic conductivity is referred to as permeability but permeability refers to all fluids, not just water.
What is Geophysical surveys?
Geophysical surveys (or techniques) measure the physical properties of rocks (resistivity, conductivity, magnetic fields and sonic properties). The measurements are interpreted in relation to geological features that are expected to facilitate groundwater storage and movement.
What is Interference?
Interference – the effect that pumping from a well has on the drawdown in neighboring wells.
What is Impermeable material?
Impermeable material – a material such as clay through which water does not readily flow.
What is Permeability?
Permeability – see hydraulic conductivity.
What is Potentiometric surface?
Potentiometric surface is the level to which water in a confined aquifer will rise in a well. In an unconfined aquifer the potentiometric surface is the water table.
What is Rock formation?
Rock formation is an identifiable body of natural earth material. It may be unconsolidated (e.g. loose sand or gravel) or consolidated (e.g. a sandstone or granite).
What is Storativity?
Storativity is the amount of water that can be removed from the aquifer for a given lowering of water level.
What is Transmissivity?
Transmissivity is the product of hydraulic conductivity and saturated aquifer thickness.
What is an Unconfined aquifer?
Unconfined aquifer (also known as a water table or phreatic aquifer) does not have a confining layer which separates it from the surface. In other words, the upper boundary is the water table, or phreatic surface. The aquifer is in direct contact with the atmosphere.
What is an unsaturated zone?
The unsaturated zone is the formation in which water occurs but all the pores are not completely filled (saturated) with water. This zone is above the water table.
What is Water table?
Water table is the free water surface in an unconfined aquifer.
What is a Well?
Well is either used to refer to a hand-dug shaft, or it is used more generically to mean any small-or large-diameter vertical groundwater abstraction point other than a spring, regardless of method of construction.
What is a Well Field?
Well field is a cluster of wells supplying water for a large-scale need such as a town, an irrigation scheme, or a refugee camp.
What is a Rig?
A drilling Rig is an integrated system that drills wells, such as oil or water wells, in the earth’s subsurface.
What is a fracture?
A fracture is any separation in a geologic formation, such as a joint or a fault that divides the rock into two or more pieces. A fracture will sometimes form a deep fissure or crevice in the rock. Fractures are commonly caused by stress exceeding the rock strength, causing the rock to lose cohesion along its weakest plane. Fractures can provide permeability for fluid movement, such as water or hydrocarbons. Highly fractured rocks can make good aquifers or hydrocarbon reservoirs, since they may possess both significant permeability and fracture porosity.
We provide services in Boreholes drilling and construction, Mechanization, Automation, Maintenance, and Rehabilitation of wells.
Contact Information
HPR4+65R, Accra, Ghana
GhPost GPS: GC-117-4145
Office Hours
Mon-Fri: 8:00-19:00
Sat: 8:00-14:00
Sun: closed
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