Why is it said that Water is life?

Water is one of the most precious resources we have on Earth. All the biochemical processes in plants and animals, our surroundings, etc. require water to function. It is required for life on Earth as it is an essential component of all biological processes. We cannot imagine our lives without the presence of water.

Fresh water is necessary for the survival of all living organisms on Earth. Our bodies are made up of about 60% water and we cannot survive more than a few days without it. Water is a precious substance that meets our physical needs while simultaneously being of great spiritual importance to many people. Water is also an integral part of many ecosystems that support us and a myriad of other species.

Let’s imagine what Earth would be like without water. The soil, with no water in it and nothing growing on it, would be lifeless, dead, collapsed into dust, sand, clay or rock. In places where agriculture predominates and pulls water from the ground, this process is already beginning to happen. The earth used to be full of water, like a sponge. But where agriculture has sucked the groundwater almost dry, the earth has collapsed and hardened. (This is the process we call “subsidence.”) In most Deserts, there are even more examples of waterless soil.

Without Water, Earth Would Look Like This:

Now imagine the air without water. Clouds provide a buffer from the heating power of the sun. Without them, the sun would pour down with no mercy. Dry air would suck out whatever moisture it could find, wherever it could find it, and the noses and soft tissues of any living being would shrivel. There would be no sweet scents since smells are conveyed by moisture.

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The composition of the air would change too. All the methane currently stored in ice, bogs, and the ocean would be released. That would reduce the balance of oxygen in the air, and increase the heating effect of the sun. The dust in the air would be blown hither and yon, with nothing to wash it down. Temperatures would swing from extreme to extreme, getting hotter as time passed.

Water in the air feeds the earth, and water in the earth feeds the air.

When astronomers search for life outside of our solar system, they look right past the gas giants like Saturn and Jupiter, past the torrid, rocky planets like Mercury and Venus, and past the dwarf planets like Pluto. They stop when they find an exoplanet like Gliese 581d. Gliese 581d is about 50 percent larger than Earth, and like Earth, it orbits in what’s known as a star’s habitable zone, the stellar sweet spot where a planet is capable of having liquid water. And where there’s water, there might, just possibly, be life.

This is why most scientists think that water is better at sustaining life than every other substance.

So far, however, we simply don’t have enough information to say whether or not life could exist without water. We know with certainty, however, that life on Earth definitely couldn’t. This is why Velox Boreholes is determined to provide water for ALL.

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  1. […] Sustaining Life: Water is a fundamental requirement for all living organisms. It is involved in numerous biological […]

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