Tips to Labourers at Borehole drilling Sites – Is it Compulsory?

By definition, “A tip is a sum presented by a customer as a gift or gratuity in recognition of some service performed for the customer. It is distinguished from payment of a charge, if any, made for the service.

In other words, at least, drilling service charges do not count as tips because it’s a fee that’s charged to the contractor by the Rig owner — not something voluntarily given by the contractor.

So if it is or has become “customary” or “traditional” to tip laborers for services you’re receiving, is it the rule of thumb to disregard any drilling charge that might be paid by the contractor and still give tips?

So now if it is not compulsory to tip labourers at Borehole sites, What are the consequential effects on the total output of labour done onsite, What attitudes do we see exhibited by labourers on-site, and how are contractors perceived if they do not give tips?

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2 replies
  1. Geowus construction solutions
    Geowus construction solutions says:

    It’s interesting and annoying how rig Labourer (rod boys) demand for tips(amamere) as we all call it.
    It’s almost become a compulsory menace on our individual site now and then.
    I personally think amamere is an optional gesture by the contractor based on the effort and satisfaction of workdone on site by the contractor on site that will force him or her to tip the rod boys.
    Meanwhile they are being paid by the drilling company, who I don’t believe will advise them to force out any tip from any contractor that calls the company for a job.

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2 replies
  1. Geowus construction solutions
    Geowus construction solutions says:

    It’s interesting and annoying how rig Labourer (rod boys) demand for tips(amamere) as we all call it.
    It’s almost become a compulsory menace on our individual site now and then.
    I personally think amamere is an optional gesture by the contractor based on the effort and satisfaction of workdone on site by the contractor on site that will force him or her to tip the rod boys.
    Meanwhile they are being paid by the drilling company, who I don’t believe will advise them to force out any tip from any contractor that calls the company for a job.


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